February 25, 2025

Plan Configuration, Plan Mapping & Plan Merge

This tutorial will guide you through configuring plans, mapping them across different data sources, and merging plans when necessary.

Plan Configuration Wizard

When you open the Benefits Reconciliation Platform for the first time or add a new invoice, a gear icon will appear next to unconfigured invoices. Click it to start the Plan Configuration wizard, which will guide you through setup.

1. Invoice Plans

Enable or disable any plans that don’t need reconciliation, like administrative fees and change plan type if needed.

2. Enrollment Plans

These come from HRIS and correspond to the selected invoice. If the system labels a plan as “Undefined” or is wrong, use the Edit button to update it. A filter option helps navigate large master plans.

3. Deduction Codes

These codes are pulled from payroll data and link payroll deductions to benefit plans. Enable or disable the deduction codes you wish to include in the reconciliation with a checkbox in the first column, change or assign plan types by clicking the edit button in the Plan Type column.

4. Add Margin Fee (optional)

Some payroll data includes margin fees that need to be adjusted for accurate reconciliation. Enter the margin as a percentage or dollar amount for the platform to subtract it. The Target refers to the data source from which the amount will be subtracted—most commonly payroll, but in some cases, it may be the carrier invoice.

  • Select Source: Enrollment or Payroll.
  • Choose a Plan Code and Target.
  • The system will subtract the admin fee from payroll amounts related to the selected plan.

The Margin step is optional and can be skipped if no margin fee adjustments are needed.

5. Map plans

Plan Mapping links plans across invoices, enrollment data, and payroll deductions.

The interface consists of three columns:

  • Invoice Plans (from the carrier invoice)
  • Enrollment Plans (from HRIS)
  • Deduction Codes (from payroll)

The system automaps plans where possible, and any unmatched plans require manual selection. Unlike previous versions, tiers are no longer displayed—only plan names, which makes the selection much easier and cleaner.

How to Map Plans:

  • Select any row. A panel will slide out from the right, displaying three tabs for different data sources.
  • In the Enrollment or Deduction Codes tab, select all related plans (you can choose multiple options).
  • In the Invoice Plans tab, you can merge multiple plans into a single row if necessary

How to merge and split plans

Some plans, like Life Plans or Life AD&D, may be merged into a single row. If needed, you can unmerge them by clicking the Split button.

Inline Mapping

If employees still have missing amounts after completing the plan configuration, you can map them directly in the reconciliation view.

  • Locate a plan type with a Carrier Plan name and click it
  • A panel will slide out from the right. Navigate to More -> Plan Mapping -> Edit Mapping.
  • Enable the missing plans. Ensure the amounts in the three column headers are equal.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Employees with updated mappings will be highlighted in yellow, indicating that the Reconciliation View needs to be regenerated.
  • To finalize, go to the Invoice List and click Regenerate next to the updated invoice.

Activity Log

All plan mapping actions are automatically recorded in the Activity Log, ensuring full visibility and traceability.

Keeping the Platform Updated with Plan Changes

If there is a change in the plan configuration in the future, users should update the settings to ensure the platform continues to function properly. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the invoice that needs updating.
  2. Click the Configure button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Choose Plan Configuration.
  4. This will take you back to the same view as the initial Plan Configuration Wizard, where you can make the necessary changes.
  5. Once changes are made, go back to the invoice list and click Regenerate next to the updated invoice to ensure all updates are applied properly.

Table of contents:

Tabulera Modules

Benefits Reconciliation:

Cuts Invoice Audit time by 85% and eliminates 97% of benefit write-offs.

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EDI Connectivity:

Speed up the creation of carrier EDI 834 enrollment and payroll feeds.

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Consolidated Invoicing:

Pay a single invoice for all your benefit plans.

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Payments Automation:

Collect subsidiary premiums and send carrier payments.

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